Weathered Wood
I believe that also happens to be the color of our shingles on our 🏠
This little building is borderline too "perfect" in how run-down it is, and I've avoided painting it for that reason. But it keeps catching my eye so there must be something more to it.
5x7 oil $150
5"x7" oil on cradled panel
$50 of this painting is donated to a nonprofit/charity
Nonprofits highlighted during week 1 are:
Week 2
Paramount Visual Arts Center
Yes Network
St. Cloud Fact (Feeding Area Children Together)
Salvation Army
Thanks to Amazing Sponsors!!

Rosemary Brushes
Symi at Rosemary Brushes heard about this project and immediately reached out to sponsor not only my brushes but also donated a $100 gift card each week during the event. Generous family owned and operated company!
Central MN Arts Board
“This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Central MN Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.”

Bad Habit Brewing Company
Available paintings will be hung up at Bad Habit, delivered weekly on Mondays or Tuesdays.